Seal the Deal Studios
Pre-beta Release
Development Process
This pre-beta release the team tried to finalize most functional decisions and incorporate the independent work to make a whole.
Programming Team
After reviewing the playtesting response from last release, the programming team continued work on prior tasks and aimed to solve some persisting issues. Evan modified the door functionality to be more intuitive and user-friendly, changing the design and dimming the enemy icon when a player has already completed a room. He also removed click-to-shoot to create a more complex combat system. Bobby refined all environment design, as well as added terrain and texture to Act III. He also included the enemies in the third act including attack animations, textures, and functionality. Chase worked on a save game system and streamlined UI incorporation into this release. He also added the dialogue to the acts and added transitions between scenes.
Narrative Team
Ethan, leading the Narrative Team, had a great story at the beginning of the Sprint, however, when the team decided to pivot to a new location within the game, he had to quickly switch gears. Working hard to complete the story with the new change by the end of the Sprint, Ethan found a way to incorporate the new change while keeping the charm of Ethan's Story.​
Sound Team
With sound taking a back seat within this sprint, Caleb focused most of his efforts towards supporting his team the best way he knew how. Spending most of his time fixing his computer, Caleb worked towards completing the Steam page with his teammate Shakir.
​Level Design Team
After putting in hours of work towards block meshing and placing assets within the world, Chris's heart sank when he heard that the team will be pivoting to a different level design. However, his hard work found a way to get incorporated within the new version of Introspection, by simply removing the walls.
By removing the walls, Chris and Bobby were able to realize the "Purgatory" trope better than ever, by having the character run around in a dark and vast land with enemies lurking around each corner.
Art Team
Putting his efforts towards completing the artwork for the Steam Page, Shakir focused strictly on delivering the required images that Steam needed. Lightly editing the weapons and characters along the way, Shakir did an amazing job with realizing the game within the bounds of artistry.
Collectively, the team was able to pull off the impossible, "switching gears". After redesigning the whole experience of the game based around the level design, the game was realized to its full potential. Containing three different worlds for Daniel to explore, the game takes the player to a new world... one where Daniel must figure out his past trauma, or die.