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First Playable Release

Development Process

Programming Team

Nearly immediately after our team meetings, the programming team, consisting of Bobby, Chase, and Evan, hit the ground running with building all of the working parts of the game. From creating character movements, programming enemy attack patterns, or developing a UI system, they started the physical production of the game. 


Their prior knowledge of coding and video games allowed the small team to complete large tasks very quickly. Not only did this allow the team to test their systems early, but it allowed the rest of the team to have a pitch in with new ideas that helped Introspection grow.









Narrative Team

​Working with the team to make sure everyone’s vision made it within the game, Ethan worked on creating a compelling character within the world of Introspection. Along with Caleb and the other group members, Ethan crafted Daniel and his story.

After mapping out Daniel’s entire story on a shared platform, Ethan worked on creating dialogue that was both informative, immersive, and intrig









Sound Team

For sound, Caleb met with other departments, like Narrative and Level design, in order to grasp the requirements for Introspection to have seamless audio. 


Caleb populated the SFX library that he created in the Unity Project. Coming from the Unity Asset Store, the SFX were picked out and placed in empty game objects, which allows the SFX to be easily placed with whatever asset it needs to be joined with.








​Level Design Team

After researching effective ways to keep the player engaged with the level, Chris, assisted by Shakir, created sketches of the game’s levels. Along with a flow chart and level beat sheet, the sketches laid out the placements of all the rooms in each Act. 


Along with Caleb and Bobby, Chris blockmeshed the 3 Acts of the game. After learning that the scope of the blockmesh needed to be scaled down, he worked overtime to deliver a quality blockmesh that could be presented.








Art Team

Finding a way to incorporate his art style into the game, Shakir used the team meetings to gather information on the certain elements that needed to be present in his concept art. Regularly checking in with the team, the artwork continued to be updated based on the team’s needs.







Team SWOT Analysis

SWOT Document


Playing into our strengths, we wanted to create a game that was mechanic-heavy but with a strong narrative focus. This led us into combining a few game genres like roguelike, dungeon-crawler, and shoot-em-up while integrating a significant narrative through the mechanics to get a good mix of the two.

What we've made so far...

Video of Gameplay

Link to our first playable release


Note: This is project is purely for educational purposes. This company was formed by students at Elon University for GAM4100 headed by Dr. Pratheep Paranthaman 

©2024 by Seal the Deal Studios.

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