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Gold Master Release

Development Process

This release focuses on having the game fully complete, polished, and optimized. For this sprint, the team focused on fixing some persistent bugs, adding final touches, and completely polishing some aspects of the game.


Programming Team

The programming team had the responsibility of fixing the last of the bugs as best they can and refine existing aspects of the game so that the end result feels solid. Bobby continued his work by resolving some playtesting issues with the environment, brightening Act I and fixing a hovering tree, adjusting the objects in Act II, and adding more environment objects in Act III. Chase worked on the save game system, and the issue of not being able to click on Pause menu buttons in any other Act than Act I. Evan worked on adding indicators for when players get powerups, as requested by the playtesting we held. This allows players to understand the current stats increase to the player and gives them an indicator that they interacted with it. He also was in charge of general bug fixes throughout the game.


Narrative Team

Ethan wrote and added the dialogue lines for Act II, Act III, and for the purgatory visits before, in-between, and after the acts. This allowed for the programming team to easier implement these changes due to the dialogue making its way into the actual project. This solidified the game's story and narrative element and made it much more interesting to explore the game. ​


Sound Team

Caleb worked on adding last sounds to the game and working with the programming team to get them integrated with the game. He also worked on a few refinements to the lighting in the main menu after the playtesting requests. Caleb was also given a lot of responsibility this sprint being the Steam coordinator. Since this release, the game was to finally be published on Steam, he was to work closely with Dr. P to publish the game.


​Level Design Team

Wrapping up the game, Chris looked for more appropriate background music for the player during gameplay. He also recorded the gameplay for the trailer and led final, independent playtesting.​


Art Team

Shakir focused on creating the dialogue boxes for Adelaine and Daniel as the final polish to the game's aesthetic. He also worked with the programming department to integrate character models into the dialogue boxes.  





As a result of this hard work and collaboration between departments, the game was playable from start to finish without any game-breaking bugs. This was super exciting for the team, as this was the first time that all elements combined together without breaking and playtesters truly enjoyed the final result. 


Here is a link to the images/videos of this release:



























Note: This is project is purely for educational purposes. This company was formed by students at Elon University for GAM4100 headed by Dr. Pratheep Paranthaman 

©2024 by Seal the Deal Studios.

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