Seal the Deal Studios
Alpha Release
Development Process
Our journey to the Alpha release seemed rather quick since Pre-Alpha but included some important changes.
Programming Team
The programming team enhanced already existing features as well as focused on environment design for this release. Evan worked on providing affordances for the user in regards to rooms in response to feedback from last release saying that it was difficult to keep track of where you were. This included displaying the current room at the top of the UI when you enter, and showing locks/unlocks above doors when you haven't/have killed all enemies yet. Bobby worked on environment design to make the game cohesive with terrain. He added custom effects like moss on assets to have the furniture tie in well with the surroundings. He also added post processing to tie it all together. Chase worked on adding the dialogue to the game and worked on accessibility features to those need remapping to keys. ​
Narrative Team
Ethan further progressed the games story, diving into the story of Daniel. He worked on Act I and Act II dialogue and worked with the programing team to include the story in the game. Ethan introduces the dynamic relationship between Daniel and Adelaine and expresses it through dialogue lines. ​
Sound Team
Caleb held the group together through mutual communication through all teams. Since the sound team is blocked by the developers, Caleb pivotted to help environment design by helping with lighting.
​Level Design Team
Chris effectively finished the blockmesh of all three acts, vital to the progress of level design. This addition of blockmesh allowed Bobby to take on the reins with environment design to focus on aesthetics of the game.
Art Team
Shakir continued the development of the art, focusing primarily on the art for the steam page. This led to some amazingly detailed pieces to showcase for our game.